It's hard to see clearly when you're looking at everything but the truth. In 2020 my challenge to you is to really seek God's heart and not just God's hand. We are taught to "live right" so that we can receive the blessings of God but not taught to seek the heart of God. Ask yourself how many times you have heard a sermon taught on Jeremiah 29:11 " for I know the thoughts and plans I have for you..." and have not ever heard one emphasized on Jeremiah 29:13 " and You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."
One of the primary reasons you are struggling to live your best life is because you are seeking God with your hands out but your heart isn't open. I've been guilty of this, that's why I don't mind speaking on it openly.
We want what God has promised to bless us with but don't want to change the way we behave as individuals to steward well over those same blessings. We care more about what God does than we do about WHO GOD IS. We don't want to sit still in His presence. We don't want to really trust Him nor do we want to receive His love. We don't want to heal and be accountable for our part in maturing spiritually. We just want the blessings. We only want to be Christians when it's convenient for our lifestyle and looks good on our social media posts. How much has fallen through your hands because you have your hand out looking for a hand out from God but lack the soul substance to maintain what He's given you? How much has been crushed in your hands because you won't let go of what is in them so that God can give you more? Do you trust God or do you trust you?
In 2020 choose to recognize that you have not been seeing God from a clear lens. I promise you it's okay, this has happened to the best of us. Choose to dedicate time to study and receive the revelation of God's heart. When you get to know Him, you may find that what you thought you knew about Him came from the blurred vision of others.
Beloved, God does indeed have your best interest in mind and in heart. Choose this day and this new decade to see it, trust in it, and receive it.
Happy New Year!~ Kesh C.